This is a story of how a rapper/singer/emcee made a cd/mixtape/album

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Meaty Okra

It's bout to be on n poppin,,, or something like that. Wed 1/27/10 I will officially release my 1st mixtape "Lazy Yawn present's The Half Assed Mixtape". It's a 10 song sampler type CD. I had a completely different theme planned out, but apparantly I didn't make myself clear to certain parties and... well... it just didn't work out that way, so I improvised. Somtime in Feb the real mixtape "Able Opposition" will
I'm not too thrilled about either one to be completely honest. The majority of the songs were recorded the same day and God knows what happened with the mixing, cuz i sure don't. Apparantly you're supposed to be there when they mix it. NOW they tell me! I hope and pray you will all take it easy on me, this is my very first recording endeavor. There will definitely be more to come. I'm hoping by the end of the year I'll put out the one I've been trying to finish for the past 6 years. I guess it's not a bad start. The big ? is would I buy and listen to it? hmmmmm even bigger ? is will YOU buy and listen to it?

Promotion is key on this one, think I know which songs to push performance wise and which to have edited for radio. I am definitely NOT doing videos this time around, I'll use live recordings. I got rusty on my stage game so.... guess I'll be at the Dub (End of the Weak check em out Sun nights 9PM illest hip hop open mic in NY) honing my craft.

I guess Meaty Okra isn't terrible, it could be cheesy corn or just plain shit.